
Sotheby’s Auction House Events | January 2020

By RSIR Staff |

From treasures of aristocratic Irish families to treasured Americana, and the collections of the designer who reshaped the English Country House in the United States, found in the exhibition halls of London and New York, here’s a look at just some of special auctions and events slated for Sotheby’s Auction Houses in January.

1.21   |    Royal and Noble   London

Including works from important aristocratic collections from across Europe, this auction boasts highlights from the notable Irish houses of Killadoon and Luggala, as well as extraordinary works of sculpture, furniture, and paintings.

1.23-1.24   |   Mario Buatta: Prince of Interiors    New York

Mario Buatta reinvented the English Country House style stateside and among his clients were Henry Ford II, Barbara Walters, Malcolm Forbes, and Mariah Carey. Sotheby’s will offer nearly 1,000 works that were once showcased in Buatta’s Upper East Side apartment and the William Mason House at the two-day auction, following a public exhibition of the works opening on Jan. 16.

1.25   |   Triumphant Grace: Important Americana from the Collection of Barbara and Arun Singh   New York

A featured auction among Sotheby’s “Americana Week” the collection of Barbara and Arun Singh features portraiture, miniatures, and a rare Chinese export designed for the American Market—a carved wood eagle. Stunning Revolutionary War-era furniture can also be found among this extensive collection.

1.29   |   Old Master Drawings   New York

Dating from the 15th to the mid-19th century, the sale will display a wide range of works on paper from a variety of European schools, with an emphasis on the Italian Renaissance. The star of the sale is a rediscovered full-compositional study by Andrea Mantegna for his painting “The Triumph of Alexandria.”

1.31   |   19th Century European Art   New York

Held during Masters Week, an array of works that boast the artistic diversity of the era includes paintings by Bouguereau, Breton, Courbet, Grimshaw, and Munnings, as well as others. Also featured is a curated selection of Scandinavian art.